Makes no sense when talking about a book of mormon

If you are sensitive to the holy spirit, he can tell you the truth of all things through honest and sincere study and prayer. First staged in 2011, the play is a satirical examination of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints beliefs and practices that ultimately endorses the positive power of love and service. The book of mormon describes how this land was preserved for the book of mormon inhabitants and makes no mention of other people. They simply will not listen to outside sources with the same respect or reverence. The book of mormon is the main piece of holygodgiven writ that distinguishes mormonism from catholicism and the. Christ comes from christos which is fundamentally greek. Abrahams astronomical statements are far more reasonable than the some claim and fit into a picture that makes sense in the cosmic world view of abrahams contemporaries. Making sweeping allegations against the mormon church makes no sense especially as this article is not based at all in doctrinal truth. He notes that gold, silver and copper are mentioned several times in the book of mormon being found in abundance in the land. In the book of mormon, not the musical but the actual sacred text dark skin is a sign of gods curse, while white skin is a sign of his blessing. For example, growth rates derived from modern population studies are useless if they refer to conditions unlike those prevailing in book of mormon times. It lists 33 criteria necessary to write a book like the book of mormon under similar conditions as did joseph.

Update on horses in the book of mormon a mormon blog. He was talking about different times in his life when his faith had been challenged and the role that the book of mormon played in his life. And then toward the end of this chapter thats talking about the book of mormons understanding of jesus, you point out that the book of mormons not simply trying to give readers a set of facts about jesus. If you made it all the way through the video, you have my thanks. The context of alma 1 makes that clearthose whose faith differed from the nephite state church could escape prosecution by pretending to believe the heretical in the eyes of the nephite church doctrines they preached. What is worse, demanding that joseph smith must have read virtually every book in the harvard college library ultimately makes no sense at all. Slim book talking with mormons makes a lot of sense on page 38 of theologian richard j. Slim book talking with mormons makes a lot of sense.

The book of mormon describes the suffering gods children will endure after the final judgment in alma 12. Im not talking about play battles, i mean we were trying to destroy each other. Joseph smith has been up in heaven since he was murdered, and he has converted jesus to mormonism, rebaptised him, given him the first anointing and the second anointing and now jesus walks around heaven wearing a green apron and mumbling things in reformed egyptian while staring at two small rocks in his bakers hat. The book of mormon is a sacred text of the latter day saint movement, which adherents. If any of you know what im talking about and can find a clip of this specific part of the animation, please share it with me so i can. If it really was a translation, the name christ wouldnt even come up. What in the restored gospel of joseph smith and the mormon church has any support in. Introductory pages of the book of mormon part 2 come. He said with a smile on his face, if you were to drop a nuclear bomb on my testimony, the book of mormon would be like the. In this scenario, enos 2 is the silent enos in the chain.

I also know that the evidences tend to make sense only after youve taken the leap of faith. Maxwell, 1 and building on my chapter in the second edition of opening the heavens, 2 this article strives to be as precise as possible about the timing of the events and progress of the book of mormon translation. Protestants say that our source of truth is scripture. Shes not a fragile wallflower, but a goddess in might and dignity. The only justification for it is js translating it to his understanding. Do you think mormonism makes the most sense out of other. If the book of mormon is true, the joseph smith was a prophet of god along with the fifteen prophets who have succeeded him. There are exactly zero accounts to support this illustration that appears in the ensign and recent church. First, it utterly lacks historical or archaeological support, and there is overwhelming empirical evidence that refutes it.

That we have a trope entry on the book of mormon, a book of scripture used by the church of jesus christ of latterday saints and its splinter groups alongside the bible and the canonized revelations of their founder joseph smith and a few other past leaders of the lds church. Written by south park creators trey parker and matt stone along with avenue q. Thus, while early mormons envisioned book of mormon civilizations covering the whole of north and south america, most modern mormon scholars have localized the book of mormon lands to a small region usually in central america, and have limited the book of mormon peoples to a group so small as not to have left traces within the surviving gene pool. Ancient people knew how to make their records last without wasting their time or their gold, but no one in the book of mormon seems to know this. Lehi on gods law and an opposition in all things a. It makes no sense to criticize a summary list as being too simple when that is the purpose. The coolest belieber merch is at with free worldwide shipping use code jbfanmerch for an 18% discount.

Fortunately, it seems, mormons have maintained their sense of humor. For me, it is hard to believe that god would not keep talking to everyone in the entire world and also that god. This paper aims to stimulate specific thinking about the intense and complex events during which the book of mormon was translated in 1829. Pluralizing the book of mormon by common consent, a. However, joseph merely reading words that mysteriously appeared on a stone in the hat sith makes no sense. And if we are talking about the book of mormon, we are not talking about a massive intercontinental situation. Im clearly not a gospel scholar, like so many of us that just have to get on with making a living and making our lives work, so im at a point where i use scripture mainly for comfort in a difficult and challenging life that often doesnt make any logical sense to me anymore. Jim whitefields book the mormon delusion in the section discussing nephite.

Logically, the whole story of the book of mormon makes sense. The problem with citing scripture as the source of truth, though, is that, since its. For generations, it was known as the mormon tabernacle choir. There are no other books that do it as well as this one, which also gives you a free dose of. General conference talks from leaders almost always stick with the most basic, simplistic issues. Im willing to suggestions, but it makes no sense to have a paragraphlong overview or discussion about the jst in an article about the bom. Your last statement was that nelson and penrose did, but i dont see any evidence, much less proof, that they did and now your off on a completely different tangent. We only had some book of mormon ones and one about the restoration. What is less well known is that the book of mormon makes a large number of unacknowledged biblical quotes. Letter vii presents lds readers with a narrative that makes sense. Dear mormons, you dont know the book of mormon is true. Second, the book of mormon contains none of the key mormon doctrines. Mormon heavenly mother featured in deseret book bestseller.

One of the most famous singing groups in the world is. This is important because the latterday saints make such a point about it containing the fullness of. It makes no sense that the nephites would call him joshua. By terryl and fiona givens i read this book when it first came out, but have since read it 2 more times yeah, its that good. As of friday, december 6, the mormon church has officially renounced the doctrine that brown skin is a punishment from god. No archaeological, linguistic, genetic or any other evidence of hebrew culture in the. From that time onward there were no valid baptisms, no laying on of hands for the. No matter where you are on your spiritual path, missionaries will have truths and insights that can help. The santa clause was one of my favorite movies when i was a kid. Most of these passages are in a temple related context, where the issue of the right to rule, keeping covenants, and temple themes are abundant. I think it was a five volume set written for a younger crowd but was done in story or reader type without the verse by verse of the regular book. That my friends, is a decision each one of us has to make when seriously considering the truthfulness of the book of mormon. The book of mormon is a musical comedy with music, lyrics and book by trey parker, robert lopez, and matt stone.

Skins as garments in the book of mormon lds scripture. How do you make sense of the timeline there as far as them knowing about it. Problems with the book of mormon catholic answers catholic. One of the most famous singing groups in the world is changing its name. Yes, 100% on the side of book of mormons, although when i say it i imagine i am putting a plural not on the last word, but the title as a whole book of mormon s makes more sense to me than randomly throwing an s in the middle of the title. Mormon leaders tell us no mormon teachings in the book of. Making sense or not of isaiah in the book of mormon. If this is true, the book of mormon is nothing more than a 19 th century book of fiction written by man. The church took out three fullpage ads in the shows program promoting its religious text, the book of mormon. Why is the book of mormon written in 16th century english.

And this concludes the lesson for the introductory pages to the book of mormon. Have you yet made your point about mormon leaders tell us no mormon teachings in the book of mormon. Thats like going to nemelkas piece and saying it is false because there were no hats or something. It makes sense then, that when groups or individuals enter into ritual spacesthe very purpose of which is to bypass or overpower quotidian preoccupationsthat they would often structure activities around stories that are, by their very nature, overarching, that sing of. Like, if god kept translating it to joshua, the he might not know who he was talking about.

Many latterday saints have not had access to sources which communicate how recent research has changed our understanding of the book of mormon as an ancient document. Whether literal or metaphorical, the book of mormon describes the suffering. Written by south park creators trey parker and matt stone along with avenue q cocreator robert lopez, the broadway musical. In no way did he mean any disrespect to the book of mormon when he said it. A law protecting belief only makes sense if it protects expressions of belief. Most of these passages are in a temple related context, where the issue of the right to rule, keeping covenants, and. It relieves them of the spiritual angst engendered by the evidence by the clash of an outdated worldview with modernity. While that narrative is being taught in the ensign, the saints book, the current lesson manuals, etc.

There are many examples of ancient writing on metal plates, but there are almost no examples of whole books on plates, let alone a whole library like the book of mormon or the brass plates, which. This, in a nutshell, is the deuteroisaiah problem in the book of mormon. Please see the relevant discussion on the talk page. Book of mormon difficulties, contradictions and explanations. What makes the mormon beliefs particularly out of the ordinary is that mormons dedicate so much time and energy trying to help nonmormons. No woman, except perhaps the wife of king lamoni, in the book of mormon is portrayed as having her. When i first encountered the book of mormon, i assumed it was a hoax. So as a latterday saint mormon, here is my biased answer. We have no way of knowing whether the newcomers had trouble adapting to the climate and new foods. Many also are unaware of some rather surprising new discoveries supporting the book of mormon which have been brought about by the advanced methods of science. In the earlier book of mormon texts, much of the language about god was. There has to be a better way to discuss smiths translation ability than to rehash his translation ofthe bible and book of abraham here. Does it make me a bad person or weak of mind that i find the isaiah chapters in the book of mormon comforting. Sorensen one of the most puzzling and intriguing passages in the book of mormon is 2 nephi 2.

Do the statements in the book of abraham regarding kolobs revolution time make any sense. The book of mormon is a book of holy scripture that as you read, you will be able to feel the influence of gods holy spirit testifying of its truthfulness. I dont care if a talking monkey is how joseph smith came up with the book of. I have already posted on this subject before, but want to reiterate that i do not believe the book of mormon is talking about skin the way that modern readers do today. The enos problem in the book of mormon adventures in. Its intent is to show how impossible it was for joseph to write the book of mormon himself, thus confirming its divinity. In john lunds book mesoamerica and the book of mormon. But that explanation makes no sense at all here, and signals that even lds apologists cant defend what joseph smith claims that the angel moroni told him in english. There are some serios problems with the book of mormon that the lds church. Alma 1 the nephite state church daves mormon inquiry. Have you read the sealed portion of the book of mormon yet.

The book of mormon makes you a better person, i get it. You are not going to get a nonbiased answer to this. Note that the book of enos makes no mention of handing the plates to his son or of given any commandment to write upon them, but jarom specifically talks about the commandment of my father, enos, that our genealogy may be kept. This is why lds apologetics makes sense only to those who already believe in its conclusions. But now, after watching it back, i have no idea why. The book of mormon contains extensive quotes from isaiah some twentytwo chapters of the prophet are found in the book, in many cases quoted verbatim from the king james version. So, although the apologists explanation seemed to make sense, on further. Number of people in the book of mormon lds teachers toolbox. When it comes to the book of mormon, how young is too young. Yet that is exactly what we must do to accommodate the claims of dan vogel and others who imagine that anything published anywhere must have been immediately available to joseph smith. The majority of mormon quorans have never seen the book of mormon musical, and never will.

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